Benefits of Clearings and Space Optimization
- Clearer thinking as you harness your exterior world to influence your interior world and vice versa. Your space reflects how your mind is operating in your own personal mandala. This is feng shui 101.
- A more refined and astute intuition about energy and how it moves and pools in spaces, starting with the one you know best: your own home.
- Clearing a space also clears yourself, your energy field and your aura. Do it enough times and you’ll understand.
- A proper Home. One you want to live a joyous life in. I'm referring to your literal house but also your body, the house that you were given upon being born.
- Space Clearing is 100% approved by cats and dogs and kids. They LOVE it.
Testimonials for Space Clearings & Organization Projects
My interior aesthetic has always been a mix of Half Price Books explosion, unfinished laundry, estate sale treasures that have turned into clutter, and pet hair - all compressed into a small house occupied by people and pets. It felt like Chaos Central. But when you live in 101 Chaos Central it is overwhelming to figure out where to start reigning it in. Enter Aurah...she is able to help choose the treasures to keep and which ones to discard, thoughtfully arrange things in a way that opens up the flow of a house, and most importantly, she leaves clients with a housekeeping roadmap so they can keep things tidy and the flow just right. The spiritual cleansing she offers helped my home feel lighter and airier on an unseen level. The combination of help with real-world clutter and order and a spiritual atmospheric boost made Chaos Central feel like the sweet little cottage it was meant to be.
~CJW in Dallas
Give yourself the gift of a home that supports and nurtures you. When I bought my first home, Sarah Jane (Aurah) led a lovely series of rituals to shift and clear the energy left behind by previous residents and welcome in new energy. It was a beautiful way to ground myself in the space and set the intentions for what I wanted to bring to my new home. My mother and a small group of close friends participated, and I treasure that the first gathering I had in my home filled it with love and well wishes from friends. I've incorporated some of the practices I learned into my own "housekeeping." And I've been fortunate since to experience Aurah's abilities to gather and hold space in many different capacities - I even asked her to lead my wedding ceremony!
~ Anne B. in Dallas
Aurah worked magic upon my new studio space. From our first consult, to my finished studio, Aurah communicated clearly and was very sensitive to my input and budgetary needs. My time with her transformed the way I move in my creative space. I have a clear vision of how to move forward successfully. The energy and workflow at this new space are so positive and easy! Thank you Aurah and Living Mandala Consulting - Dreamclay Studio feels and looks better than ever before!
~ Danna Miller Pyke, Owner, Dreamclay Studio, Dallas
Testimonials for Individual Clearings
How best to describe Aurah’s psychic clearing service? The clearing can be partially described in a series of sensory experiences. I noticed upon entering her space, a calmness and Aurah’s greeting is all welcoming. I felt loved when she allowed me to speak my truth in a nonjudgmental environment. Oh, and the environment is a wonderfully organized spiritual zone. When we were done on the table, she held space for me again as we burned a written purge on paper. Having received two sessions, and seeking a third, my intentions are becoming clear. The results/benefit of this service have given me an awareness of the larger and infinitely small; an ability to see better because blockages in the mind's eye have been melted down and tossed out my psychic house.
~ Sean S. in Dallas
I have known Aurah for many years. If you've never met her, I would recommend making her acquaintance. You'll find that she has a very positive force that flows through her. I've had the privilege of having had energy clearings with Aurah. I found it very relaxing, cleansing and refreshing. The amount of care and detail in her work is obvious. I found Aurah's methods to be both unique and personal. I would highly recommend her services.
~Tyler C. in Fort Worth